By: Joe King

BLOOMINGTON, IN — This past Thursday, Bloomington Transit released an official statement asserting that the service will be increasing its security measures to prevent the use of fake Indiana University IDs. The bus service currently provides fare-free transit to all IU students who present their university IDs to the driver; however, this offer has recently been taken advantage of by non-students who have acquired fake student IDs through Bloomington’s notorious black market.

A new procedure will be implemented this March requiring all student passengers to present two forms of identification in addition to their university IDs. Buses will also be fitted with lie detectors that may be used on suspicious passengers at the driver’s discretion.

Bloomington Transit’s President commented on the changes saying, “We wanted to address the concern regarding the lack of space on our buses. Other options were considered, such as larger buses or adding more routes. In the end, we decided this would be a better waste of money.”

The bus transit service has also issued an official warning to those caught using illegitimate university IDs. Offenders will have their fraudulent cards confiscated and be sentenced to the worst possible punishment the transit system can implement—being forced to wait for the next bus.