By Jake Spear and Flipside Staff

Registering for classes can be a difficult process. Who really knows what they want to study? And there are so many options! That’s why Flipside is here to help! We’ve compiled a list of the weirdest classes that IU actually offers to students for your scheduling convenience.

  1. KLLC Hot Topics
    A Kelley Management major can go a long way in maintaining your local Hot Topic.
  2. Herbology
    Taught by visiting professor, Pomona Sprout.
  3. Scuba Diving
    It’s better down where it’s wetter, under the SRSC.
  4. Achieving Your Dreams
    One of the most difficult classes on campus.
  5. Physics for Poets
    “How the scarlet apple gently fell on Newton’s crown”
    “Aristotlean worldview come crashing down”
  6. Wordsmithing
    A semester-long class about the life of Merriam Webster as he wrote the
  7. History of White Colonialism
    Colloquially known as “history”
  8. Archaeological Ethics
    “It belongs in a museum”
  9. Internship in Philosophy
    Your options are either to become a pirate, fry cook, or billionaire.
  10. Pornography Through the Decades
    This is a “hands-on” learning experience.
  11. What is America?
    In case you missed 3rd-grade social studies.
  12. Internship for LAMP
    Because “Liberal Arts Management Program” is a mothful.
  13. Experimental Course in Accounting
    This class is gonna be the ride of your LIFO.
  14. Who’s Afraid of Radiation
  15. Advanced Movement
    You might have passed Introductory movement, but this class won’t be a walk in the park.
  16. Public and Oral Communications
    See wordsmithing.
  17. Death and Dying
    One of the few classes required for both Philosophy and Pre-Med.
  18. Women in the Bible
    Brother Jed’s least favorite class.
  19. Leadership Under Fire
    Learning to take a bullet for your team. Literally.