Top 10 Things They Don’t Tell You on Your IU Tour
What they say: We are building brand new facilities!
What you should know: They are opening in 2035
What they say: We have some of the most diverse food options in the country!
What you should know: You’ll eat taco bell every other day
What they say: You will expand your mind!
What you should know: Expanding your mind involves a lot of coffee and crying
What they say: You will meet people of all different backgrounds!
What you should know: You will hang out with people of identical backgrounds
What they say: We have a robust Greek life!
What you should know: The US now has a “robust” Supreme Court
What they say: We are a dry campus!
What you should know: You will have to part the sea of drunks to get to class
What they say: You can take the classes that interest you!
What you should know: Only if you pass the required classes needed to take them
What they say: We are a huge basketball school
What you should know: We rarely make it to March Madness
What they say: We have a stunning campus!
What you should know: For the third of the year when you can see the sun
What they say: Come to IU
What you should know: Don’t
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